Μονάδα Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας

Information System for Quality Data Collection

The Quality Data Collection Information System was developed to be the basic information structure supporting the quality assurance process at Harokopio University of Athens in accordance with Hellenic Authority for Higher Education  standards and current legislation with basic functions, among others, the collection, maintenance and recording of quality data for Academic Units and Administrative Units, based on specific procedures. The specific information system gathers quality data for (Internal Regulation):

  • the evaluation of  teaching ,
  • satisfaction with the infrastructure and services and the working environment of the Departments and Harokopio University of Athens,
  • the overall evaluation of the study experience by the graduates, and
  • the writing / research work of faculty members (faculty member census).

More specifically, the procedure, as approved and implemented by the Quality Assurance Department, is as follows:

  1. Quality Assurance Department informs the academic and administrative units of the University about the method of collection, the importance, interpretation and usefulness of quality data. The questionnaires for the quality data corresponding to the evaluation of  teaching are sent in the 9th week of the winter and spring semesters of each year and have a submission deadline until the beginning of the examination period. The questionnaires for the collection of the quality data related to the satisfaction with the provided infrastructures / services and the work / study environment are sent within the month of September of each year with a deadline of four weeks. Questionnaires to the graduates are sent before each swearing-in ceremony to those students who graduate during the period in question. Finally, the quality data collection questionnaires related to the writing / research project (faculty member census forms) are sent in the 2nd week of January of each year with a deadline of one month.
  1. Access to the system is only allowed by the system administrator.
  1. After the period of completing the questionnaires, the system administrator informs Quality Assurance Department and sends the primary data to its competent members and/or to the Head of the Departments, depending on the category of data (the processing of service/infrastructure evaluation data and work environment by employees of the central Services is the responsibility of Quality Assurance Department, while the other categories of quality data remain the responsibility of the Departments, which provide relevant information to the Quality Assurance Department).
  1. The Head of the Departments forward the primary data to the Internal Evaluation Group (IEG) for the processing and analysis of the data and their correlation with the quality assurance objectives of the Department. At this stage, Quality Assurance Department resolves any questions or problems that arise

Διεύθυνση: Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου 70, 17676 Καλλιθέα
Τηλέφωνο: 2109549160

Address: El. Venizelou 70 Ave., 17676, Kallithea, GR
Phone: 2109549160

Διεύθυνση: Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου 70, 17676 Καλλιθέα
Τηλέφωνο: 2109549160
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